
Build commands

build Command

The build command is used to construct a package based on the user's system target and properties. There are also options that we will detail.

aiop build {system_target} {params}

system_target: The system target for which to generate the package.

params: The compatibility parameters of the system target. These mandatory parameters will vary depending on the playbook and its configurations as defined by the .aiop/inventory_config.yml configuration file in the compatibility field (Learn more).

When running the help command, here are the available options:

usage: aiop build [-h] --args ARGS [ARGS ...] [--destination_path DESTINATION_PATH] [--force] [--zip_pack] [--goto_pack] [--upload UPLOAD [UPLOAD ...]] [--upload_url UPLOAD_URL]
                  [--upload UPLOAD] [--installer {deb}] [--installer_name INSTALLER_NAME] [--no_verify] [--retries RETRIES] [--no_caching] [-v] [-sll STDOUT_LOG_LEVEL] [-fll FILE_LOG_LEVEL] [-hp]
Build a package from a playbook. Be aware that the current positionnal arguments are dynamic and corresponds to the compatibility arguments defined in the
playbook.In order to build a package, you need to be at the root folder of the playbook.
positional arguments:
  system_target         System target for which to create a package
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --compat_args ARGS [ARGS ...]
                      List of compatibility arguments.
  --destination_path DESTINATION_PATH
                        Path to destination. By default it will be generated in the root of the playbook_path in the .build folder
  --force               Use destination_path even if it is not empty
  --zip_pack            Zip the built package (default: False)
  --goto_pack           Open in the explorer the newly created package (default: False)
  --upload UPLOAD [UPLOAD ...]
                        Upload the generated installer or zipped package to a repository. Requires `--upload_url` option
  --upload_url UPLOAD_URL
                        Upload repository URL. Requires `--upload` option.
  --installer {deb}     Type of installer to generate
  --installer_name INSTALLER_NAME
  --no_verify           Do not verify the Artifact integrity. It will not betaken into account if `--no_caching` is not set or the Artifact is not in cache.
                        (default: False, means verifythe artifact integrity)
  --retries RETRIES     Number of retries when downloading an artifact.One retry means that the download was not successful because of an invalid file integrity
                        (checksum).This parameter will override [download_retries] in the user configuration file. - default: 3
  --no_caching          The binaries are copied to the destination folder (not from the cache)
  -v, --verbose         Force the verbosity of the logs to DEBUG. Thus overriding the verbosity set in the configuration file.
  -sll STDOUT_LOG_LEVEL, --stdout_log_level STDOUT_LOG_LEVEL
                        Sets and overrides the stdoutlog level of the logs.
  -fll FILE_LOG_LEVEL, --file_log_level FILE_LOG_LEVEL
                        Sets and overrides the file_log level of the logs.
  -hp, --hide_progress  Hide the progress bar.


destination_pathPath to the package destinationRoot of the playbook path in the .build folder
forceDelete the folder at destination_path regardless of its contentsFalse: Does not force creation
no_cachingDo not use cache to retrieve previously downloaded remote resourcesFalse: Remote resources are copied from cache if available
no_verifyDo not verify the integrity of the remote resourceFalse: Verifies the artifact integrity
installerType of installer to generate. You can create one installer per build
installer_nameName of the installer
retriesNumber of download retries for an artifact. Overrides the user configuration3
zip_packZip the generated packageFalse: Does not zip it
goto_packOpen file explorer on the generated packageFalse: Does not open it
uploadSelect the package to upload. It could be zip or deb. It needs the --upload_url option to work.
upload_urlpackage upload URL
verboseForces logging verbosity to DEBUG for both console and log files. User settings will not be considered.None: Does not force
stdout_log_levelForces logging verbosity in the console to a level. User settings will not be considered.None: Does not force
file_log_levelForces logging verbosity in log files to a level. User settings will not be considered.None: Does not force
hide_progressHides the generation progress box.None: Progress is displayed by default

If you combine the verbose option with either stdout_log_level or file_log_level in the same command, the latter two will not be considered, and the logs will be displayed at a maximum verbosity level.

  • For example, if you use aiop build --verbose --stdout_log_level INFO, the logs will be displayed at DEBUG level rather than INFO.
  • Another example, if you want to disable console logs for this build but still use the --verbose option: aiop build --verbose --stdout_log_level DISABLED, the logs will still be displayed at DEBUG level.

build_all Command

The build_all commands is used to construct all the packages from the playbook. The command has the following options:

aiop build_all [--threads THREADS]

It will read the packages.yml file from the playbook configuration folder .aiop and build all the packages defined in the file. Please refer to the documentation to learn how to configure the packages.yml file.

The packages will be generated in parallel using threads to speed up the process. The number of threads can be set using the --threads option. After the build process, a list of successful and failed packages will be displayed.


The build_all command will disable the logs in the terminal by default to avoid cluttering the console. The logs in the the log files will still be generated.

When running the help command, here are the available options:

usage: aiop build_all [-h] [--threads THREADS]
Build all the package from the playbook. You need first to have parametrizedthe .aiop/packages.yml. See the documentation to know how
to do it.
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --threads THREADS, -t THREADS
                        Number of threads. Determines the number of parallel package build. Default is 4.


threadsNumber of threads to use for parallel package building4


When the command aiop build_all is invoked in the CI-CD pipeline, a new dynamic pipeline will be created.

Commande build_again

It's possible to run last command with aiop build_again.

usage: aiop build_again [-h]
Rebuilds with the last build command.
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

AIOP will take the last command of aiop build arguments and replay it again.