

Plugins are extensions that enable adding new functionalities to AIOP. They are used to add new commands, configurations, declaration possibilities, and specific tasks (outside of the lint and post-build steps) for a user and/or company. For example, a plugin could be used to add the ability to read, understand, and manipulate proprietary files for companies.


Plugins are only available for Pro / Team plan users.

How It Works

Plugins are automatically downloaded upon starting AIOP. They are then loaded into memory and used to extend AIOP's functionalities. Each user with the rights to use the plugin can utilize them for package generation.


To use a plugin, the playbook must declare the plugin and its version in the plugins section of the aiop.yml file.

  - name: my-plugin
    version: 1.0

my-plugin is the plugin name, and 1.0 is the plugin version.

To create packages from the playbook that includes this plugin, the user must have access rights to the plugin. In other words, they must have a license and an AIOP account associated with this plugin (Contact support for this):

  key: "license key" # The license key is provided by the administrator and associated with a plugin
  username: "username"
  password: "password"
  api_token: "api token"

The user must also declare the plugin configurations in the plugin_config section of the aiop.yml file.

  param_config: value

param_config is the name of the plugin-specific configuration. Refer to the plugin documentation for available configurations. Contact support for assistance.

How to Create a Plugin?


Currently, we do not offer a self-service plugin creation system. To create a plugin for AIOP, you need to contact support.

Once the plugin is created, we will associate it with your licenses. AIOP will automatically download the plugin upon its startup.