
User Configuration

AIOP allows the user to customize the application's behavior by modifying the configuration file. The configuration file is located in the user's directory:

  • Unix: ~/.aiop/config.yaml
  • Windows: %HOME%\.aiop\config.yaml

Upon AIOP installation, a default configuration file is created. It can be modified to customize the application's behavior.

The configuration file is in YAML format. It can be edited using a text editor or a code editor. It will then be read and validated by AIOP to customize its behavior.

Configuration File Structure

Here's the structure of the configuration file. It includes parameters that allow customizing the application's behavior, as well as settings for logs, remote repositories, and license information.

Remote repositories require authentication to download remote resources. If any of the playbooks you are working on require a connection to a remote repository, you are required to add the login information in the repositories section.

The license is used for AIOP authentication. If you have a license, you need to add the corresponding information in the license section.

In case a plugin requires specific configuration, it should be integrated into the plugin_config section. Please refer to the plugin documentation or contact support via [] for more information.

build_timeout: {numeric value}
check_update: {true|false}
default_package_path: {absolute or relative path to playbook root}
download_retries: {numeric value}
plugin_config: {specific plugin configuration dictionary}
fmpp_bin_filepath: {path to FMPP binary}
  - instance: {instance name}
    username: {username}
    password: {password}
    auth_type: {basic|api_key}
  key: {license key}
  username: {username}
  password: {password}
  api_token: {API token}


To customize the application's behavior, simply open and modify the configuration file.

NameTypeDescriptionPossible ValuesDefault Value
build_timeoutintMaximum duration in seconds for building a package> 0300
check_updateboolEnable or disable update checks upon application runtimetrue, falsetrue
default_package_pathstrDefault path to store generated packagesAbsolute or relative path to playbook root~/.aiop/packages
download_retriesintNumber of attempts to download a remote resource> 03
plugin_configdictPlugin-specific configurations. Refer to plugin documentation for more information. Contact support for more informationDictionary
fmpp_bin_filepathstring(Optionnal) Filepath to FMPP dependency (see how to install here)filepath regex unix formated
logsdictLogs configurationDictionary
logs.stdoutstrLog level displayed in the terminalCRITICAL, FATAL, ERROR, WARNING, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, NOTSET, DISABLEDDEBUG
logs.filestrLog level stored in the ~/.aiop/logs folderCRITICAL, FATAL, ERROR, WARNING, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, NOTSET, DISABLEDDEBUG
repositorieslistList of remote repositoriesList of dictionaries
repositories.instancestrInstance name. Used to identify the repository
repositories.usernamestrUsername for repository authentication
repositories.passwordstrPassword for repository authentication
repositories.auth_typestrAuthentication typebasic, api_keybasic
licensedictLicense informationDictionary
license.keystrLicense key
license.usernamestrUsername for AIOP authentication
license.passwordstrPassword for AIOP authentication
license.api_tokenstrAPI token for AIOP authentication. If api_token is defined, username and password are ignored